More on Transistor Electronics Corporation:

1962 -

Incadescent, Neon, and Nixie displays driven by transistors.

1968 -

Terminal with vector characters (CDC had those too but I don’t think related), 
and in addition custom incadescent illuminiators on either side. The keyboard 
just screams Tek4010 but return and shift are regular small keys (WTF?), and 
instead of the cursor wheels it has arrow keys. Not a storage CRT, you have to 
buy RAM appropriate to how many letters you might want up.

I remember seeing the Transistor Electronics Corporation industrial control 
panel modules in surplus stream decades ago, and I swear I’ve seen the 
non-backplane wire harness style in real life somewhere probably driving 
decimal digits.  But don’t think I’ve ever seen a TEC Terminal.


From: Cory Heisterkamp []
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 1:42 PM
To: Shoppa, Tim <>; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic 
Posts <>
Subject: Re: Panel ID?

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 12:17 PM, Shoppa, Tim via cctalk 
<<>> wrote:
Cory asks:

I had always thought Transistor Electronics Corporation had something to do 
with CDC (both in Minneapolis) but CHM tells me I was wrong: it was a spin-off 
from Univac:

Thanks for digging that up, Tim. I have a real thing for controls and displays; 
according to that brochure, TEC not only offered components, but complete 
panels with legends and layout to the customer's spec.

The Univac connection makes some sense as this came from the estate of a 
retired Univac engineer. Of course, CDC/RemRand lines get a little blurry given 
CDC's start. -C

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