On May 4, 2017 7:45 AM, "william degnan via cctalk" <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
I have updated the thread to address comments. I also assigned Alan Hightower to the Tandy exhibit, I had it marked as "whoseisthis.jpg". Thread: http://vintagecomputer.net/browse_thread.cfm?id=677 Alan Hightower's exhibit http://vintagecomputer.net/vcfse-5/Hightower_Tandy.jpg Directly to the pics: http://vintagecomputer.net/vcfse-5/ I have a lot of video footage and I am eager to get it mixed down for youtube asap. Bill Bill, The picture entitled Owen_HP-2116C.jpg is Jim Mahaffey's homebuilt 6100-based PDP-8 clone. I didn't end up displaying the 2116C after all. Thanks! Kyle