From: cctalk [cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] on behalf of Peter Cetinski via 
cctalk [cctalk@classiccmp.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:47 PM
To: Jim Brain
Cc: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: TRS-80 Model 12 versus 16B

The Model 16 was introduced in 1982 and was an upgraded Model II with the 
addition of an MC68000 subsystem that allowed you to run 16bit OSes, like 
TRSDOS-16, CPM-68K and TRSXENIX 1.x.  On all Tandy 68K machines and operating 
systems the z80 ran in concert with the 68k.  The z80 handled all I/O as the 
68k subsystem did not have direct access to any I/O ports.  The 2 CPUs would 
talk through shared memory and interrupts. The Model 16 also had the first 
appearance of the TM-848 thin line drives, white case and superior green screen 

The Model 12 was introduced in 1983 as the next version of the Model II.  It 
was considered the base Tandy business system.  The case dimensions were 
somewhat larger than the previous II/16. It had a simplified architecture in 
that the entire Z80 system was now on a single main board instead of the 4 
separate cards of the Model II.  A base Model 12 has a lot of empty space 
inside as it was meant to be optionally upgraded with the card cage if you 
needed a hard drive or 68K functionality.  It also had the new lower profile 
keyboard with reverse gender connector compared to the II/16.

The 16B released around 1984 is essentially a factory upgraded Model 12 with 
the card cage and the 6Mhz MC68000 subsystem consisting of a CPU card and 1 or 
more 16 bit memory cards.  The 16B for a time was the best selling Unix 
workstation in the world.

The 6000 released in 1985 was a slightly enhanced 16B with the biggest 
difference being the upgrade to an 8Mhz MC68000.  This system allowed you to 
run XENIX 3.x and address up to 1MB of RAM.


You missed the addition of cards with three serial ports each and multiple ones
could be installed limited only by the space in the card cage.  I ran a BBS 
to the Sytek Serial Network boxes at USMA for a while as a user interface to 
and USENET groups.  It was fun.  Oh yeah, My later employer got their first 
Model 16
in 1981.  Documentatioin was all xeroxes and the Xenix documentation refered 
to the Intel architecture.  :-)  It went home with me when they stopped pushing 
to the government as it went on the GSA List and they no longer nbeeded a 
to sell them one.  Don't remember who got it, but it might be in Pittsburgh now.


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