From: cctech [cctech-boun...@classiccmp.org] on behalf of Tim Mann via cctech 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 8:13 PM
To: cct...@classiccmp.org
Subject: Re: cctech Digest, Vol 34, Issue 15

Brief comments on a couple of topics...

I hadn't heard of the MISE or M3SE before, so I googled. Remarkable
projects. It's pretty tempting to get an M3SE to play with on the Model 4P
that I bought as a reference platform when I was adding 4P support to xtrs.
(I don't have any other physical TRS-80s anymore.) Time continues to be a
big problem in the way of doing retrocomputing stuff, though.


Definitely worth it.  It will boot directly from the M3SE making it a lot 
easier to do stuff.
And with the FTP capability I just had an old BASIC program I ran years ago 
that I wanted
to revive.  Used FTP to move it back and forth between my Model 1 and a Unix 
in order to have a real editor for fixing all the mistakes.  Then used FTP to 
move the
program to the 4P to test it out there as well.  Never realized the speed 
difference in
the various models until I cold run stuff like this side by side.


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