On 04/09/2017 12:21 PM, devin davison via cctech wrote:

> Any advice on what to do from here is much appreciated. I just want to get
> the thing backed up and rest assured that if the drives fail i can
> reinstall the os and it have its license.
> --Devin

Assuming that you have tape to backup to and that you have access to a
profile with sufficient privilege, then your quickest way to build a
bootable tape is by typing at a command line:

go save

You'll want to scroll down and you'll find '21  Entire System'.   This
produces a bootable, full system backup tape from which you can restore
your system to bare metal.

Typically, your tape drive will have a device name of TAP01,
particularly on a 170 (a rather smallish system).

If you need further help feel free to ask.   I work on these systems
every week a two different clients.


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