On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> After seeing this modern memory board project for the PDP-8/e using NVRAMMs
> http://www.tronola.com/html/ram_for_pdp-8e.html

I have a couple of those I need to solder up.

> I wonder how much effort it would be to refactor the Omnibus logic to Unibus
> to build a PDP-11 version, and thus have a quad size card for /15's and /20's?

Conceptually, it's not much different for Unibus.  There's at least
one project out there that's working toward this but not yet available
for purchase.

If I was in a real hurry, I could take a quad prototype board and roll
my own.  I happen to have a handful of DS8641s on hand from making
Unibus COMBOARDs 25 years ago.  The quantity of discussion on this
list about modern Unibus transceiver replacements is rather large and
merely mentioning it is likely to cause a flare-up.


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