On 2017-03-17 2:56 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 03/17/2017 11:41 AM, Paul Koning wrote:

Not quite true.  ALGOL was the first choice for a couple of
architectures: Electrologica X8, and the Burroughs 48-bit mainframes.
And I supposed you could claim that status for Bliss in the case of
VAXen, though in a different sense there was a whole set of high
level languages that were there day 1 because the architecture
envisioned all of them (and any combination of them).

Well, okay--the European-American divide must be taken into account--and
the Burroughs B5000 architecture was sui generis.

But by and large, FORTRAN, at least in North America, was the first
language of choice in implementation--after assembly, if one can call
assembly a language--many would call it "symbolic coding"; using symbols
instead of numeric addresses.


I came across a typical example of how Fortran was used as lingua franca, just yesterday, in a book titled "Knapsack Problems - Algorithms and Computer Implementations" (Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth), published 1990.

The Preface includes the words:

"The Fortran codes implementing the most effective methods are provided in the included diskette. The codes are portable on virtually any computer, extensively commented and---hopefully---easy to use."


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