Van: Marc Howard via cctech<>
Verzonden: maandag 13 maart 2017 21:45
Aan: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only<>
Onderwerp: VT52 keyboard question
The "2" key on my VT52 is very hard to use. You've gotta pound it and you
might get 2 "2"s for your trouble.
I assume that the keyboard switch is made of unobtanium (If you know of a
substitute chime in) so I'm thinking of swapping it for the "COPY" key
which I guess is useless unless you have the built-in thermal printer.
1. Do you simply pull the keyboard button off the switch or is there a
trick involved?
2. Any other gotcha's?
My guess is that the VT52, VT55, VT05 and LA30 are identical.
The key fits snug on a plastic white pin, shaped as a “+”.
Over the plastic pin is a small spring. If the spring is not installed,
the pin will simply “fall down” due to gravity, causing a continuous
“key pressed” signal.
You can (gently) pull the key cap.
If the pin does not “fall down”, you have the reason why it is
hard to use: dirt or dust.
Henk, PA8PDP