Okay, it's working the ugreen one. I did a stupid and dropped the
RXTXComm file in the wrong place.
Well, since all sales are final at Radioshack these days, I've got an
extra cable...

Thanks again. If I didn't look into the things suggested, I probably
wouldn't have found my screw-up!

Joe Giliberti

On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Adrian Graham
<wit...@binarydinosaurs.co.uk> wrote:
> On 11/03/2017 21:52, "Joe Giliberti via cctalk" <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
>> The cable is branded "Ugreen." I've had difficulties with USB to RS232
>> adapters in the past, which is why I bought it from the ADTPro
>> website. I figured that it would be more likely to work straight away.
> I've had difficulties with everything I've used from ugreen, the latest
> being an HDMI-DVA adapter which just didn't work 100%. Trouble is with some
> of these ebay buys you don't know who made it until it lands on your mat.
>> On a venture to the grocery store today, I stopped in at a Radioshack
>> which was having a liquidation sale. I bought their "Gigaware" USB to
>> serial cable for a decent discount at $20. As I understand it, this
>> one uses a Prolific chipset which can occasionally be troublesome..
>> Thankfully, there appear to be drivers for it specifically for Windows
>> 7.
> Prolific! That's the chipset name I was trying to remember earlier. Seems
> that most ADTPro folks have more success with that one than the others.
> --
> Adrian/Witchy
> Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
> Www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the UK's biggest private home computer
> collection?

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