-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Steven Maresca 
via cctalk
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2017 11:59 AM
To: Noel Chiappa; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: IBM S/32, PDP-11/60+RL01, PDP-11/34, East Lansing MI
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 11:48 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk < 
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

>     > Is anyone confirmed to be picking this stuff up?

I'll put my hand up on this.  

Much of the trove had already gone to scrap before this group got wind of it.  
And for a lot of it that was probably the right thing though it pains me to say 
that.  The house cleaners had been there before I contacted the owner 
immediately after the message appeared on the list.
The S/32 all went to scrap as it had been a possum home for a number of years, 
the 11/60 cabinets were scrapped a few days prior to the list contact and the 
11/34 had also been severely damaged by animals while being stored in a garage 
for approximately 10 years.  The 11/60 processor was stored in better 
conditions and consists of two BA11 style boxes. 

There was a well preserved Flexowriter recovered in pieces, but likely 
complete, and a bunch of ADM3a terminals.   I also brought home a very, very 
rough TU 55. Unfortunately another, possibly a TU 56, had been scrapped a few 
days earlier as well. 
The owner, Greg, was one of the nicer people I have met over the years.  He 
lives near the MSU surplus sale site and was a good customer there.

We need a better way to be recognized as a place to post situations like this 
earlier in people's decision process on how to clear out a house.

BTW, I should also report on the recovery of the Triad system early in January. 
 Will Donzelli and I came back from that location with the Triad rack, a 
re-badged Interdata system (8-32) and a lot of interesting terminals as well as 
a few CDC 9726H cartridge drives.  We may have a system for this, but have not 
had time to investigate.

Regards, Dan

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