On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Lawrence Wilkinson via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> On 01/03/17 21:13, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
>> On 3/1/2017 11:14 AM, Charles Anthony via cctalk wrote:
>>> So I am fishing for any existing audio clips with clean sounds, or
>>> someone
>>> with a Selectric that is willing to make some recordings, or a pointer to
>>> somewhere where all of this has been done already.
>>> -- Charles
>> Golfball typewriter group on yahoo for a lot of people who have
>> Selectrics.
>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/golfballtypewritershop/info
>> I suspect this is someone on the group on Youtube with an I/O Selectric
>> https://youtu.be/CRdma6NINIw
>> Yes, that's me! More I/O Selectric sounds available on request - it's
> sitting
> in my employer's office connected to the 360/30 panel+emulator. But it
> tends to sound much the same whatever it's printing.
I think that youtube clip has enough for at least a proof-of-bad-idea test.

Yes, each typed character's sound is pretty much indistinguishable, but the
mind is very good at detecting the same sound multiple times in a row, so
sampling a handful of strikes and picking randomly should fix that.

The sound of the shift key prepositioning the typeball.

The sound of " ".

The CR/LF sound; at some point at might be could to have different clips of
different line length CRs.

I still need the "Alert Bell" sound. (From the Honeywell 6001 Operator's
console, not the 360/91 fire alarm bell, though).

Thank you all,

-- Charles

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