On 2/28/2017 11:42 AM, Seth Morabito via cctalk wrote:

Hi Jim,

When I was building a cassette circuit for my homebrew 6502 computer,
I essentially stole the Synertek SYM-1 circuit wholesale. See:



Synertek used an LM311 (an LM358 would work just fine) to build a
comparator circuit. I _think_ you could use this exact circuit to
take the analog output from the CoCo and turn it into a 5V sqauare
I will give it a try. Obviously, I'll need to reset the bias down to .5V from 2.5V in your design, but I can do that. I notice the design has no feedback, but has R93 feeding the reference into the inverting input. Any idea what the function of that resistor is?


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