Via Mike Ross, but contact Greg with any questions!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Greg Bebermeyer" <>
Date: Feb 27, 2017 4:44 AM
Subject: IBM System/32 - web response
To: <>

Hi Mike,

Maybe this is no longer relevant since I can't tell from the web page how recent the post is... I am selling my house and in the back of the garage is a complete System/32 that was working when I stuck it there and covered it. Much other stuff is in front of it so I haven't seen it in a while. It's free for the taking to anyone willing to come to East Lansing, Michigan and pick it up. If you aren't interested then it'll just go to the scrappers because I need to get the place ready for inspection. The junk haulers should uncover it in a day or two at which point I could take pictures.

I also have a PDP-11/60, if you know of anyone interested. Same deal - free, come pick it up. The 11/60 main box has been stored in a dry basement along with two RL01 disk drives (in free standing cabinets, not rack mounted) along with a box of flat interconnect cables. It was used in a cardiac unit to run heart monitors and has an extra card cage full of interface cards. Also there's 3 PDP-11/34s in a rack in the garage as well. All this stuff has to go in about a week to 10 days, unless arrangements/promises are made and kept.

If you're interested in any of this stuff, or could refer me to someone who might be, I would love for this stuff to go to a good home. Yup, I started with FORTRAN and 80-column punch cards. Thanks.

My best,
-Greg Bebermeyer

Lawrence Wilkinson                   
The IBM 360/30 page         

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