Paul Koning wrote:

> > On Feb 17, 2017, at 2:35 PM, Noel Chiappa <> wrote:
> > 
> > ...
> >> From: Guy Sotomayor Jr
> > 
> >> In terms of community supplied libraries, Eagle has those too and I've
> >> found that by and large they are junk (it's easier/quicker for me to
> >> create a part on my own
> >> ... While I haven't seen a lot of KiCAD contributed libraries (that's
> >> part of the problem)
> > 
> > KiCAD came with a fairly large set of user-contributed libraries. For 
> > various
> > reasons (including working with archaic parts), I've wound up adding quite a
> > few, but i've usally found it pretty easy to modify an exising part from the
> > libraries, to get what I need. YMMV.
> One thing I learned with Eagle (an old version -- I started with it on DOS, 
> with a physical license dongle) is that you can define library stuff via 
> scripting.  This is very helpful when defining 120-pin PCB footprints.

I've made pcbnew footprints for PLCC Sockets in the past with some
scripting. In the meantime the footprint format has changed to that
.pretty. I don't had to make footprints with such big pincounts sine
them again, but I don't think they made it simpossible to use scripting
for that at all.
> I don't remember precisely, but I think you can export libraries from Eagle 
> in some sort of text form.  If that's true, then it would be SMOP to write a 
> KiCAD library importer.  The key question is whether the library semantics 
> are compatible.  EAGLE is rather nice in the way it handles schematic symbols 
> vs. footprints and all that.

You can select footprints corrsponding to a part in the schematic editor
for each part. What's the problem?
> I used EAGLE long ago for one project, and more recently for another, but I 
> haven't found it sufficiently useful to buy it a second time to get the 
> non-free version.  Not that I really need the autorouter, it isn't really all 
> that useful.  But still, it's pretty steep for a hobbyist.  I discovered 
> KiCAD, haven't used it yet, should give it a try.
> One nice aspect of EAGLE is that a number of PCB fab shops will accept EAGLE 
> *.BRD files directly, rather than asking for Gerber and drill files.
>       paul

Why is that nice? This way the pcb company has your "sourcecode".
Besides of that where is the real difference to going to
"File->Plot", Select "Gerber" and push the "Plot" Button?

That can't really be to difficult...


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