Philipp Hachtmann wrote:

> > You might consider KiCAD as an alternative to Eagle.  It works pretty
> > darned well.
> Why should I? If you look at the board's size you probably see that it 
> cannot be made using the free version. I own a paid Eagle 7 license. Why 
> should I throw that away? Started to use Eagle as a child. Have my own 
> libraries and footprints. Got used to the odds. And I won't use that 
> KiCAD thing. It smells too much like dumb Arduino folks. And I do not 
> want to share to much with that community.
> I am an engineer and no Arduino fool... Even if KiCAD was a really great 
> program, it would still have the smell of the 
> copy-and-paste-maker-arduino-blinky-blinky-community.
> Sorry for the rant but....  Arduino is just fubar..
> If I would migrate to another EDA tool, I would probably migrate up to 
> something more elaborated than Eagle or KiCAD :-)
> Kind regards
> Philipp

I don't have a problem with your arduino related point of view, but I'm
sure you never heard from the push and shove router that kicad implements?
(take a look at youtube!)

If you have used it once, egale would look a lot like

People at the swiss CERN are developing it, for sure they only know how
to make arduinos, dnon't they?


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