Hi CC folks:
Been trying for several years now to find the vital parts I need to
get a Nova 3/12 from my old Univ. up & running. What I do have now is
the chassis with PS, front panel, CPU and FPU boards, some of the
documentation, and, hopefully pending, a disc drive (not sure if it
has controller). Most of all, of course, we badly need Mag or MOS
memory, plus I/O boards/peripherals. Have posted on "vintage
computers" several times and also contacted a DG specialist but so far
no success with parts.  ANY help in getting this thing going before,
at pushing 70, I get too old to ever see it run even a simple routine
or ancient game, (or care !) would be very deeply appreciated!!
Please eMail:  firesweep "at" verizon "dot" net  if you can help or have leads!
Roger A. in NY

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