________________________________________ From: cctalk [cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] on behalf of Chuck Guzis [ccl...@sydex.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 11:12 AM To: CCtalk Subject: Yale renames Calhoun College for Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper (if you've ever followed CODASYL or the COBOL language was a very sharp lady who's long had my admiration. Kudos to Yale! http://news.yale.edu/2017/02/11/yale-change-calhoun-college-s-name-honor-grace-murray-hopper-0 That's the second place named after her in just a couple of months. I wonder why all the sudden interest in her? Especially considering how hard academia is working to kill her greatest accomplishment. bill