Question - I am working on a PDP 11 KE11E M7238 EIS board (for PDP 11/40) which causes the CPU to crash when installed; front panel not responsive, can't boot XXDP. I installed a removable jumper so I can flip jumper configs back and forth between EIS installed/not installed. Without the EIS the system works fine, can boot OS's that do not require it like RT11.
As discussed before the EIS is required if I want to boot up UNIX 6 on the 11/40, which is a goal of mine. Thought - I don't have a LW11L, M787 installed. This is a the Line TIme Clock option card. Do you think that maybe the EIS board requires this for some reason, even though there are no references to this as a requirement in any docs I can find? Maybe the docs writers assume it's installed? I only wonder because any time I have seen the M7238 installed in an 11/40 I have also seen a M787. I could swap out the current 11/40 backplane with a backplane that has the jumpers for the M787 already removed, but I only want to do this if it's necessary. When we were talking before I neglected to mention I had no M787, you may have assumed I did. Bill