j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu (Noel Chiappa) wrote:

Hi, I don't know if this is of any use/interest at all, but I have retrieved
an old/early copy of RT-11 Basic (V01-05 18-JUL-73, DEC-11-LBACA-A-LA1)
modified to run under V6 Unix, if anyone has any use for such a thing.
I also have a DEC MACRO-11 which runs under V6 Unix, which generates .rel
files; there is a 'bind' (written in BCPL) which is a linker which reads .rel
files. (There is a BCPL compiler, written in BCPL, to compile it.) Then there
are two command 'relld' and 'ldrel' to convert back and forth from .rel to
I would also be very interested in getting a copy of all your BASIC and MACRO-11
sources.   I can handle most of the usual media, but pulling it off an FTP
site might be best.

Thank you very much for thinking of us.

Alan Frisbie

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