On 1/28/2017 5:32 PM, couryho...@aol.com wrote:
Thanks Guy!
Mystery solved!
I will put this note in with the memory stick..
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org)
Guy, you may correct, but I think also a lot of IBM tools for putting
things in cans, creating circuit boards, etc. were common, so if they
got something that was not packaged by the customer it ended up in a
can, as you say unless it needed different cooling.
Same for circuit boards. I was told at one time there was a set of
tools that would do the layout and the whole mess that everyone shared.
At least for some of the oddball stuff you see for the PC, such as the
3270 adapters, being the most conspicuous. There are others that have
technology you'd see if you opened a mainframe of the 43xx or so
variety, and it looked an awful lot like the 3270 pc cards did.
But others clearly were done with the same technology, and were not
mainframe gizmos. (can't recall example at the moment though).
I know from the work I did in the last three years that IBM probably had
embraced outside tools much more now rather than using their own owned
tool sets. I don't have direct evidence, just an impression.
If you feel like sharing the part, by the way, my buddy would appreciate
it if it is for a model 30. Likely could be for a model 60 or 50 just
as well though.
In a message dated 1/28/2017 6:00:46 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
g...@shiresoft.com writes:
At one time IBM was the largest manufacturer of memory and consumed *all*
it internally (e.g. for IBM products). At the time all of IBM’s ICs were
the “aluminum” cans unless they needed more exotic cooling.
In the PS/2 days, we ended up using some IBM produced memory because we
get a better internal transfer price than buying out in the market because
various IBM fabs had a bit of excess capacity and wanted it used.
TTFN - Guy
On Jan 28, 2017, at 11:44 AM, couryho...@aol.com wrote:
The talk of PS2 memory brought something back to me I have in a
ps2 memory - with weird square silver IBM Circuit packaged memory on
the stick.
What is the story on this? was IBM making it's own memory chips or
repackaging them into
their silver square packaging?
Now I will have to dig these things out.
Thank Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org)