According to ,
this machine has 128KB soldered in, and can optionally use 2 256KB SIMMs.
If this is the case, I may have some SIMMs of the right type. Do you have
the exact details of the correct SIMMs to use?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 9:09 AM, jim stephens <> wrote:

> I have a friend who wants to add more memory to a PS2 model 30. They are
> off in the wilds of Oz and acquired this for a good price and would like to
> just upgrade it to run some programs they have which do not run on modern
> faster systems.
> I know this is a snake pit to deal with, and can get more info if someone
> can get me some information or point me at references for them to look at.
> What I'm really interested in doing is seeing if just the memory can be
> had, and it isn't easy to find Sim modules these days, though I suspect
> there are metric tons of them rotting in places forgotten and not recycled
> yet.
> anyway any info to get started would be useful.
> i see there are entire systems on epay, and may suggest just buying one of
> them and cannibalizing them for their memory should the asking price for
> the individual SIMM parts be ridiculous.  i could buy the system, us the
> system to be sure the memory does something and send them the memories
> alone for reasonable shipping.  It would also net them a backup hard drive
> which are very scarce in even good times as well.
> I'm hoping that the memories were common to other systems and not some
> oddball special IBM part.  Old advertisements that show up on google show a
> number of people making them, but that doesn't mean they can be found now
> of course.
> thanks
> jim

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