Hey all, So one of my recent acquisitions is looking quite grubby, outside it just looks like surface dirt on the plastic, inside seems dusty/basement dirty.
My question comes in two parts: 1. What do you use to clean the exterior plastic and/or metal if applicable? I'm always worried about staining the plastic using strong solvent... could you also include what type of cloth/sponge/anything you use :) 2. You guessed it! What about internally? I've heard isopropyl is really good, but how do you apply it? What do you use to apply it in order to make the board shine as if it was just bought!? :D or if you use anything other than isopropyl... I also have a bonus question, how do you ground yourself to ensure you don't blow a component? Is an ESD wrist strap good enough? I absolutely love this group, really enjoyed your previous answers regarding rarest/unusual machines!! -Andy