> From: Devin > i need a cable that is wired for serial.
You mean EIA, right? (They're both serial... :-) > If no one has the cable, i could make one myself The EIA serial cables that plug into the Berg connectors are pretty much unobtainium. I have a couple that came with an 11/04 I bought, but I've never seen one for sale, individually. So yes, you are going to have to make one. Fortunately, that's not too hard! > i just need the 40 pin connector that goes on the cable. These connector (the individual wire kind, not the flat cable kind) can be found on eBay under the search term "dupont connector housing". Here's a listing for the 2x20 kind you need for a DEC serial cable: http://www.ebay.com/itm/172446135576 The same search terms should provide the pins, too. The quality will be pretty crappy, but I find working with regular electronics suppliers' sites to be too painful (for me, at least). Noel