On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Al Kossow <a...@bitsavers.org> wrote:
> $15,000 for a used Mekel microfiche scanner in the early-2000's


> It turned out to be just past prototype stage, was missing the pneumatic 
> fiche handler
> and never really got it working at production volumes. The small number of 
> fiche scans
> on bitsavers from around then was the sum total of the output.


> I've probably spent more money trying to deal with scanning microfiche than 
> on any single
> project beyond acquiring documents to scan.

If you or anyone ever comes up with a solution, like many of us, I
have kilograms of the stuff - DEC and IBM for me, mostly mid-1980s.
Probably very little if any of it unique, but if I really need to look
up the engineering docs for a Unibus peripheral or want to browse VMS
source code prior to 5.0, there it is.


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