Opposite end of the size scale: Epson RC-20 wristwatch with Z80 equivalent, RAM, ROM, serial port katakana - not exported to USA
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual... Jon Elson
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... ethan
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Graham Toal
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-re... Adrian Graham
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... allison
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Tony Duell
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Gary Oliver
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... alexmcwhirter
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Dave
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-re... Fred Cisin
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual compute... Leif Johansson
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual com... Chris Hanson
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual... Leif Johansson
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... William Maddox
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-re... Paul Anderson
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Alan Hightower
- Re: What's the rarest or most unusual computer-related... Rico Pajarola