On Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:11 PM, Andy Cloud <r3tro...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought this would be an interesting question to ask around - What's the
rarest or most unusual computer-related item do you own?
An HP9845C, loaded, except missing the PSU.  I got it from an HP repair shop 
that had used it to repair other 9845C systems.  Apparently the power supply 
was pulled to test or repair another system, and never made it's way back.  The 
system is in excellent shape, but I have sadly never been able to power it up.
I at one time had a deal with Jon Johnston of the HP Museum to trade three 
working option 100 (standard) PSU's for a working Option 200 PSU, but I was 
unable to repair my one faulty unit in time for his USA trip, and then my two 
working Option 100 supplies both crumped out.  And then, Jon's tragic and 
untimely passing. (Moment of silence.)



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