Syd! thanks,,.. is the Toaster Flyer a board inside the Amiga? it may be

Did you save any promotional material etc? Thins like that look good in
a display  with the gear.

We also need to scrounge a keyboard and a mouse

It was a card inside, yes.....but you didn't typically have a Toaster & and Flyer in the same machine---you had one of each.

I have lots of material still from the day and there is of course good examples of it online.

Keyboard & mouse are tougher....we have them at the museum, but not really any extras. It is one of the most common requests I get from people - there are adapters to use PC keyboards (and mice) on the Amiga but of course that's not authentic :)

eBay may be the only route for getting that - at least if you need to do so quickly.

Also you can try - he carries a lot of hard to find Commodore stuff.

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