On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Jerry Kemp <ot...@oryx.us> wrote:
> Wow, that must have taken a lot of will power to give that up.  If I had it,
> I'm not sure I could have done that.

It was a bit of a challenge :)

It's probably the best example of such a system still in existence,
though I don't really know that for sure. It had enough spares to keep
it running forever, and they were built like tanks to run forever
anyway. I had a spare PS and spare RAM boards. I had it running on
standard SCSI2 drives so you didn't have to use the original AT&T
drives, though I had several of those too.

I'd forgotten that I also gave away a 3B2 400 in working condition
with lots of spares as well.

Over the years I had collected a ton of original AT&T software and
docs to go with it, most of which I'd gotten running.

This was the development platform for SVR4 and I had (still have,
actually) a copy of the SVR4 sources to go with. I never did try to
get that working.

Sp anyway, I was going to sell it all, but kept feeling guilty for it.
I didn't want it to end up in a museum, but wanted someone who was a
fanatic about the technology to enjoy using it on a daily basis, and
those kind of folk don't generally have that kind of cash lying

I worried about it for a couple of years before I found someone who
really wanted it and I thought would take good care of it, and USE it.

I've never been happier with a decision.

Unfortunately, I did not know about Seth, and it did not go to him :(

I kept lots of digital docs for the system and wonder if that would
help him. I bet I have the assembler docs squirreled away and the
hardware references.

> It's none of my business, but......fingers crossed.....that your 3b2 stuff
> made it to Seth Morabito, the gentleman who is working on the 3b2 emulator
> project and is in need of hardware and documentation to continue.
> Jerry
> On 01/10/17 04:31 PM, Tom Manos wrote:
>> I just gave away my pride and joy: an AT&T 3B2 1000 in perfect
>> condition with just about every accessory you could want and fully
>> configured. It was a dual processor system, and fully maxed out with
>> RAM and ports. It had an ethernet card and SCSI,
>> I collected boards and documentation for many years and had a complete
>> set of original docs, and many, many spares.
>> I was downsizing and ended up giving it away to another denizen of the
>> list along with a couple Sparc 20's and a bunch of other stuff. It
>> completely filled up a rental SUV and traveled from Virginia to a
>> state way out west. Many hundreds of pounds of stuff.
>> It's happily running now.
>> I miss it, but hopefully it's getting more use than I was giving it.
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Andy Cloud <r3tro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone!
>>> I thought this would be an interesting question to ask around - What's
>>> the
>>> rarest or most unusual computer-related item do you own?
>>> For me, personally, I have a Altair 8800!
>>> Looking forward to hearing your answers
>>>> _Andy

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