> On Dec 30, 2016, at 12:51 AM, Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:
> On 12/29/2016 10:04 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> ...
> Ouch!  That means it runs one instruction per revolution of the drum?  that 
> would slow it to something like 30 IPS!
>> ...
>> Oh, I think a good case can be made. People often cite the LINC as the first,
>> but the G-15 and LGP-30 were similar in cost and intent, albeit a generation
>> (at least) older.
> SEVERAL generations older.  Core memory was a HUGE advance.  Rather more 
> complicated than a drum, but got rid of the horrid latency with a drum.  Even 
> if you optimized the executable code, machines like the G-15 had all sorts of 
> insane trickery to make data access faster.  There were instructions that 
> would copy a whole long line of data to the short lines so that these could 
> be accessed every 4 word times, instead of having to wait a full drum 
> revolution for the next word. 

The Dutch computer ARMAC had a nice optimization, a track buffer.  Under 
software control a given track would be copied to that buffer (in some sort of 
RAM -- core?) and then references to those addresses would be satisfied from 
the buffer.  You could think of that as a very early cache.  That was the 
machine on which Dijkstra first implemented the spanning tree algorithm (as a 
demo program for an exhibition).

For first generation machines, you could distinguish between vacuum tube ones, 
and the earlier relay machines.

I have an old set of lecture notes I'm translating, for a course on computer 
design from 1948, which discusses various memory types.  Not core memory, that 
came later.  But it mentions drums, and theorizes that those might be operated 
at 60,000 rpm...  I'm not sure where that optimism came from.  Perhaps because 
the author was a mathematician rather than a mechanical engineer?


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