Ran into the same problem about 20 years ago. So now I make sure if
there is nothing on the equip marked Made in the USA, I take along
either an original catalog or manual, one time only had a
advertisement but it is what did the trick.

On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 3:16 PM, jim stephens <jwsm...@jwsss.com> wrote:
> On 12/28/2016 8:38 AM, Cory Heisterkamp wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Guys, thanks for all the feedback. A challenge? Absolutely. But this is
>> likely as close as I'll ever come to having a first generation machine,
>> something unfathomable to me as a kid.
>> Apologies for the radio-silence, we've put 1200+ miles under our belts
>> since Monday morning. Today we cross into Alberta. Will keep you all posted
>> on how it goes.
>> Thanks,
>> Cory
> While you are where you can do it, if you are transporting it back, make
> sure that all parts have the Made in USA clearly located for US customs.  I
> encountered some blockheads when I crossed over carrying some material from
> Canada a few times.  Only was able to trump the nonsense when one of them
> found a hard to read "Made in USA" that my partner had stuck in the etch on
> a lark.
> Hangup was all the foreign content IC's with "Made in <far east>".  Though
> less of a problem with older equipment, it might be a problem.
> thanks
> Jim

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