> Thanks for the offer. But as yet I don't have a picture. I don't even 

> know that the banner existed. 
> All I've seen (and got) are the PDP11 ones. I _assume_ there was one 
> for PDP8 systems, but 
> assumptions can be dangerous. 

Hi Tony. Are you talking about the banner for the main system? Or the second 

The PDP/8e one looks like this: 


A few years ago I had an insert printed out at a local Fast Signs store. I 
scanned an original that was beat up and created some artwork for the PDP-8e, 
PDP-11, and a DECSystem10 one (The first 2 were made from actual H960 rack 
banners. The last one was a whimsical one I created for fun.) I am not at home 
right now, but I can look to see if I can dig up the art work. I don't have one 
online of my PDP-8e one, but here are the other ones: 


Todd Paisley 

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