-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Henk Gooijen
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 3:03 PM
To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
Subject: RE: Rack-mounting a TU56

Van: Ethan Dicks<mailto:ethan.di...@gmail.com>
Verzonden: vrijdag 16 december 2016 20:43
Aan: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic 
Onderwerp: Re: Rack-mounting a TU56

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Jay West <jw...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Speaking of which - I'll put out a call again for if anyone wants to get a 
> group purchase on the motor run caps for a TU55/56....

I need a few.


I have one TU56. There will come a day that I am up to connect it …
Until then I don’t know in what shape the run caps are, so I probably
do wise to join in this group buy opportunity – depending the cost 😊

  *   Henk, PA8PDP

Same situation and perspective as Henk, here.

I guess that means that you can mark us both as "tentative" :->.


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