Have you considered using a vector arcade game monitor?
On 12/1/16 1:27 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
> Hey all --
> Due to a small miracle I now have 8KW of perfectly functioning core in my
> long-ill Imlac PDS-1D. The last hurdle is devising a replacement for the
> missing display (an X/Y vector display). For the time being I'm going to
> attempt to use an oscilloscope, but first I need to build a cable.
> The Imlac uses a Winchester connector (14 position) for the display and
> while they're not as common these days the parts can still be found so I
> thought I was in the clear, but what I failed to notice is that three of
> the "pins" (for the X, Y and Blank signals) are actually tiny coaxial
> connectors that fit within the Winchester housing (i.e. they're the same
> diameter as a Winchester pin).
> I haven't been able to track these connectors down anywhere. Anyone have
> any ideas?
> Failing that, I can always just tap into the backplane to pick up these
> signals and ignore the connector on the bulkhead, but it would be nice to
> be able to use the original connector...
> - Josh