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-------- Original message --------
From: "Ian S. King" <>
Date: 2016-11-29 7:19 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <>
Subject: Re: Thinking about acquiring PDP stuff
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Brad H <
> wrote:
> That sounds interesting. I imagine they'd be worth even more than an 8/E?
> Keep in mind that the 8/I is a fairly substantial investment in space and
weight. Also, if you want to add something, it's not as easy as plugging a
card into a backplane. The 8/I requires wirewrap work.
Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS, Ph.D. Candidate
The Information School <>
Dissertation: "Why the Conversation Mattered: Constructing a Sociotechnical
Narrative Through a Design Lens
Archivist, Voices From the Rwanda Tribunal <>
Value Sensitive Design Research Lab <>
University of Washington
>There is an old Vulcan saying: "Only Nixon >could go to China."
I'm curious.. what do people do with these things? I've seen videos of some in
large racks being used to play music, etc. The rack ones seem like a a pretty
substantial investment in space for something that doesnt (or does it?) have
much practical use today.