PBS tonight...Watch TV along with Ed#  Recording studio  history...  This
is the sounds of our music! - check your time guide for AZ  pm - however
calif and others can differ  Soundbreaking - Painting with  Sound #102 Tuesday,
November 15, 09:00 pm on 8.1 ((AZ TIME Othere  state  PBS check your Sched.
Duration: 0:56:46 Description: Learn how the recording  studio itself became
an instrument. From the advent of magnetic tape, chart the  evolution of
multi-track recording and the ingenuity of artists such as the  Beatles, Beach
Boys, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac.

If you're into this, you should also check out the documentary Sound City. Also there is a Muscle Shoals recording studio documentary as well that is on NetFlix.

Ethan O'Toole

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