On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Dennis Boone <d...@msu.edu> wrote:

>  > This is listed under the informative title "vintage computer":
>  >   http://www.ebay.com/itm/291934825422
>  > which leads me to post it here under a more informative title, hoping
>  > that someone here has a soft spot for Primes!
> More specifically, it's a 2250.  It's a pretty minimal configuration.  A
> list member has been trying to ask the seller questions, but getting no
> responses.  The listed shipping cost seems a bit unrealistic.
> De
Yah, I saw it too, but it's got rust and it has been in Alaska for who
knows how long stored who knows where by someone who does not even know
what it is.  Maybe someone in Alaska can grab it.

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