On 11/10/2016 10:20 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
> On 11/10/16 10:13 AM, Tony Duell wrote:
>> Which was the one that used that rectangular connector often
>> mis-called the V.35 connector?
> Data Products uses a 50 pin Winchester Electronics connector. dbit
> makes a converter http://www.dbit.com/wilson/dplpc/

Sometimes called an "M/50" connector.  It has 4 rows of pins for a total
of 50 and it's quite often confused with V.35, which uses an M/34 (34
pins in 4 rows) connector.  The same way that an RJ21 phone/SCSI
connector is sometimes mistaken for a "Centronics" connector.

The similarities are striking in both cases.


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