That is from the first 2000 to 5000 units its a 8800 no suffix the
ribbon is either A or Bsuffix and
a different CPU board (uses 8224). 

The orange is rosin flux that was not cleaned.   Isopropanol would clean
that but it was built as a
kit (the K suffux on the serial number tag).  Its better to leave it
that way.  Authentic, never cleaned
mine either.

The PS looks to be the original version or the first update (higher
voltage transformer).

I'd expect power supply problems, suspect one-shots (front panel and CPU
clock) and
bus level noise issues.  Assuming the switches are still good.


On 11/04/2016 09:19 AM, Sam O'nella wrote:
> Out of curiosity and ignorance what's with the solder joints on the cards in 
> the pictures? That orange color seems like it's everywhere around cold 
> looking solder joints.  Is that rust, some sort or protection, or acid 
> corrosion?
> -------- Original message --------From: Mark G Thomas <> Date: 
> 10/31/16 
> I had the pleasure of visiting Rick yesterday. Please see below 
> additional information about remaining items, with links to photos.
> Please contact Rick directly if interested.
> Original posting here:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 08:44:39AM +0000, steven stengel wrote:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> *************  Contact Rick below if interested.  *************
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> Name: Rick Bunker
>> Contact:
>> Location: Jenkintown, PA    
> 10/30/2016 Update:----------------------
>> The Altair 8800, a very early one, 4-slot motherboard, 1K ram, ceramic CPU,
>> you will see:

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