Thanks Pete.
The 4051 is working perfectly so far, with a few examples I have typed in. I started a conversation with VintageTek (Dave Brown and Ed Sinclair) to see what they have. I looked at the 'Toaster' schematics here, it should be fairly easy for me to build this one up: Interesting, the source firmware is in the fiche directory, I have had some fun reading it, the comments are a hoot. Next on the list, I will get a Kraft joystick and build that up, its a simple op amp integrator circuit (the more you move the stick, the faster the voltages ramp to the 4051) thanks for anything you have, its a fun machine. Randy ________________________________ From: cctalk <> on behalf of Pete Lancashire <> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 10:42 AM To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts Subject: Re: Tek 40xx computer users The ROM cart your going to want to get never left Tek, it had the capacity to hold all the packs, another one is very high (for a 6800) performance graphics. To use multiple ROMs you will need a 4051 Toaster. That's what we called it. Can't remember if it was a product or not. I may have a couple original packs if I find them I'll extract the contents and put them on bitsavers On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Brad H <> wrote: > Can't see the video (access denied).. but that looked like an exceptionally > nice unit, with the stand to boot! Some day I'd like to have one of those > to go with my Tektronix 6800 board bucket.. but shipping will always be an > issue. > > If you decide to put a video up somewhere public please let me know.. love > watching vids of these ones in action. > > -----Original Message----- > From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Randy > Dawson > Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 7:15 PM > To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts < >> > Subject: Tek 40xx computer users > > I bought the Tek 4051 on ebay today; Jason brought it to my house and it > works perfectly, with about a half hour of programming instruction my 12 > old > daughter was plotting a cat face. > > > > > > I would like to get in touch with other users of this first personal > computer, and find additional resources. > > > Do you know where I can find an archive of BASIC programs for this? > > > Has anybody built plug in cards in the back, mine came with a realtime > clock > and a "file manager", I do not know what that one does. > > > I have some Tek scopes with IEE-488, and I will see if I can get the IEEE > interface working. > > > There was a DC300 tape in the machine: > > > biorithm > > craps > > blackjack > > artillery > > tanks > > weatherwar > > > The belt is broken in the tape, I have ordered some new DC300's and will > transplant the tape. > > > Any resources will be welcome! > > > Randy > > > > > >