The ones I have (except of cause the working) seem to find trk0 and generates a 
drive not ready after that point.
I've done some measurement on the drives but they aren’t very consistent  with 
the service manual.
There seems to be a jumper configuration which places the drive in a test mode, 
I've seen it somewhere but can't find it online anymore.
I seem to have a hardcopy of it somewhere, I'll look it up, maybe it is of some 


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: cctalk [] Namens Al Kossow
> Verzonden: vrijdag 21 oktober 2016 23:13
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: HP 7945 disk format
> I suspect it's the head servo.
> I've been trying to get a solid read out of the v170 I've been experimenting 
> with
> all morning.
> It chugs along, recals, then a seek failure.
> I'd also like to understand the failure mode of Maxtor positioners. I had a 
> 2190
> croak (literally) as I was trying to read it.
> click, click, click,  CROWKKKKKKKKK, clunk.
> On 10/21/16 1:22 PM, Rik Bos wrote:
> > But do you know the cause of failure of these drive's, except of cause the
> obvious shorting tantalium caps?
> > I used hpdrive to backup the working one.
> >
> > -Rik
> >

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