Interesting story (well maybe for some). For any of you who have followed my projects, here is some context:
It is one and the same company who used both the Point 4 IRIS systems and the Convergent Technologies MightyFrame systems that I have spent the last 3 years reconstructing and restoring. Some of the guys from that company distinctly remember one single programmer, who was responsible for programming (and possibly sourcing the hardware) for both of these systems for them. The programmer's name was Bruce, who's initials were BAM, and who worked for a company in the Los Angeles California area called Future Dimensions, back in the 1982-1985 area. It is also possible that he later had some connection with Compuware around the same timeframe.. Anyway, I thought I would just put this "out there", to see if anyone reading this might be this very Bruce, or someone who might know who he is. He once wrote this program to run on login of their Point 4 IRIS system. He also often commented his programs as the author as BAM. #BASIC 2/CALLME LIST 10 DIM A$[10],B$[50] 20 IF ERR 0 GOTO 40 30 INPUT ""A$ 40 PRINT "\207\\233\*\215\\215\\215\\215\\215\\215\\215\\21 5\\215"; 41 PRINT "CHUCK, THE LOCATION REPORT IS READY." 42 PRINT "ALSO, THE MODEL REPORT IS READY" 50 PRINT "\215\PLEASE CALL ME. BRUCE. TYPE '0' TO GET OUT OF THIS "; 60 INPUT A$ 70 IF A$="0" CHAIN "VM." 80 GOTO 40 RUN \←* It's my hope that someone finds this at least humorous, maybe even silly, if nothing else. Thanks always, -AJ