On 9/20/16 11:59 PM, Christian Corti wrote:

> Here's a rough sketchup of what my decoder does:
> - Find the sync pattern (several 0x55)
> - Swap the bits in each byte (i.e. MSB<-->LSB)
> - Look for an address mark (clock pattern always 0x0E)
>   - 0x70: ID address mark
>     Calculate CRC16 (initial value 0xFFFF) over four bytes
>   - 0x50: data address mark
>   - 0xF0: defective track address mark
>   - 0xD0: ECC data address mark
> - The ID address mark contains the following information:
>   0: cylinder
>   1: head in bit 7, sector in bits 5..0
>   2: CRC byte 1
>   3: CRC byte 2

I wonder if this is the same format the Amigo used?

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