On 09/14/2016 03:18 PM, Murray McCullough wrote:
Linux at 25 - created 25 years ago. Has it changed computing or is it
'better' than WIN or MacOS? Not really part of classic computing world
but nonetheless it can be used today in emulators. ( I use it for ADAM
emulating. )
I don't want to get into the "better" wars, but I think it
definitely HAS changed computing!
The Beagle Bone is a total hacker's paradise, the modern
equivalent of a PDP-8 and some digital I/O modules that you
could hook to whatever you wanted. I've slapped together a
number of TCP and web-based special purpose
control/interface devices over the years, and the ease of
converting a simple program into one that is controllable
over the net is great.
NIST tried to build their own CNC motion control program in
1995 or so, using a real time version of Windows, and it
didn't work (real time latency was laughably bad). Then,
they tried it with a real time-patched Linux, and it DID
work. This became the EMC project, now known as LinuxCNC.
We have no idea how many people are using it, but there are
indications there are (at least) several thousand users.