On 14 September 2016 at 00:48, Stefan Skoglund (lokal användare)
<stefan.skogl...@agj.net> wrote:
> I dislike very much the removal of perl from the default install.

I didn't know about that. It does surprise me.

Stupid question: it's not called ``perl5'' or something now, as Perl 6
is *finally* out?

> The rather temperamental behaviour of anaconda when working with
> kickstart files is ... unsatisfying.

Never tried that.

> So is the behaviour when doing interactive installs against a virtual
> machine (vmware server as host), temperamental to say the least. The
> trouble was with the geometry of the screen and the selected graphical
> chip.

I have found CentOS a PITA in VMware, I can concur there.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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