On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Dale H. Cook <radiot...@juno.com> wrote:
> At 01:10 PM 9/10/2016, Glen Slick wrote:
>>Those are the leads that go with the HP163x series logic analyzer pods
> Aaah - that is why I did not recognize them - I had seen only the 165x/166x 
> leads.
Sorry, I was wrong. I saw replies on the hp_agilent_equipment list
saying they were for the HP-1600 / HP-1607 / HP-1610 / HP-1615 logic
analyzer series and that is probably the correct answer, not the
HP-163x series.

In the picture you referenced in your original post the flying lead
set has protruding male pins which mate with the pod, while the
HP-163x series flying lead set I just dug out to look at has female
pins recessed in the plastic clip which mates with the pod.

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