On 8/16/16 6:59 PM, Brad H wrote:
> Neat.  Any thoughts as to model year?  Are these ASCII?

Date code range I see on the chips is 1977-79.
I dumped and decoded the font rom. The code is similar
but not quite ASCII. Alphanumerics seem to be in the
right place. I'll try powering it up once I get a bit
more of it traced out. There is a 256x8 prom right by
the keyboard socket, so I'm guessing there is some
code conversion going on with the keyboard. Getting it
to talk to something would require tracing the modem card
input back to the 8251 uart. There is a 'print' option on
they keyboard above the 'P' so the 25 pin connector is
probably for a printer. They appear to have FIFOs on the COM2017

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