On 08/15/2016 11:18 AM, Fred Cisin wrote: > I just looked at Wikipedia, and found some amazing errors, such as > statement that IBM mono came along much later than CGA, caling it > MDA instead of MDP, that Hercules innovatively had a "Centronics > port" (sic) because that was much faster than the serial printing > with the IBM mono, that PCs HAD TO HAVE both displays, because "no > business software would work on CGA", no mention of the "Hercules > clones" that Jenkins had tantrums about, etc. I edited a few of > them, but there is just too much misinformation.
On matters of historical technical accuracy, I've pretty much given up on WikiP. Oh, it's still useful, but I find myself muttering to myself "Vass you dere, Shollie?" when reading some of the stuff. It doesn't really matter--in a couple of decades, we'll all be dead and the "historians" can write whatever they want without being challenged. --Chuck