Have ideas but inflames the issue as those who might know where or what
continue misinterpreted slang as belief from persons when machine tries all
un mannered ways too oppo ate ,have sat for few years when knowing certain
machine yells like that causing this reaction up too the point of watch it
like Telly is actually unknown as herds follow alng so had too give up
after trying chat as goes berserk in convinced non yells are from of things
you would say as nots with non intentions how then lay it a self or group
paranoi bash out of oo,dear there's lots of nasty people etc...

On Sunday, August 14, 2016, Steven M Jones <classic...@crash.com> wrote:

> On 08/14/2016 13:08, Ian S. King wrote:
> >
> > Grab all the SGI docs/bits you can, before HP sends them to /dev/null and
> > 404....
> SGI "retired" their excellent TechPubs system not very long ago when
> they outsourced customer support, thereby removing all the docs and
> patches that still covered many of the MIPS-based products of the
> original company. There are a couple mirrors around in various states of
> functionality, the one I've been referring folks to is at
> http://techpubs.jurassic.nl, with thanks to Jan-Jaap.
> In HP(e)'s defense, they have so far kept an awful lot of DEC and Compaq
> material online. Perhaps that's by accident as much as intent, but I'm
> not complaining either way... For instance, I was just perusing (and
> saving) the DEC Tech Journal from 1991 - 1998, which is archived under
> the HP Journal (http://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/journal.html) and
> alongside the Tandem Systems Review.
> --S.

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