On 8/13/2016 3:14 PM, Peter Coghlan wrote:
Oh and if you are doing serial transfers, yes, keeping the baud rate
low is a good strategy.
I had to spend some time working on the DECnet-DOS DDCMP driver
developing better character overrun recovery strategies. Yes, you may
be coming in via a terminal line, but that line can hiccup from time to time.
Additionally, I would suggest using any terminal line other than the
console line (OPA0:) to do any sort of serial file transfers, even for
cutting and pasting groups of lines into a terminal emulator running in
a window on some other system. It is very easy to overrun the console
and to end up getting it hung requiring a reboot or even a poweroff to
clear it. I suspect there is no flow control at all on the console
terminal line and error recover is poorer than on ordinary terminal lines.
If you can only log in on the console due to lack of licensing, I would
suggest manually typing in just the VAX-VMS hobbyist license (and maybe a
license for a networking product) on the console, then logging on using
another terminal or over the network to transfer the other licenses.
If you can't avoid cutting and pasting into a terminal emulator attached
to the console line, do no more than groups of one or two lines at a time.
The console line is different than other serial ports on the VAX when it
comes to flow
control, I seem to remember using the other lines for transfer without
these problems.
I was too lazy to type in the one PAK by hand, although I seem to
remember doing that in
the past.
Is Hyperterminal screwing things up?
Hyperterminal and/or any of the so-called VT100 emulators bundled with
Windows are of little use to connect to anything that makes more than
the simplest use of a VT100 terminal or later generations of same. It
will work ok for entering line mode commands but if you start up an
editor or another fullscreen application of moderate complexity, it
will fail spectacularly and leave you with a garbled mess on the screen.
The problem is that Hyperterminal et al do not implement scrolling
regions correctly or maybe at all.
If Hyperterminal purports to provide kermit file transfer, there may be
an option somewhere to specify text rather than binary file transfer or
it may be that this is not required at that end.
Is there a linux program that will do the serial terminal
emulation/logging ? I have a laptop
that I am using as the console I am thinking of changing it over to
Debian Linux. I was
using an old Dell Mini but the keys were way to small for typing accurately.