Are you referring to having the H-27 drive from Heath? I don't know for sure 
because I've never seen H27 docs, but the disk capacity is the same as the RX01 
(256k) and I think the interface was made deliberately incompatible, likely at 
the behest of DEC. The version of RT-11 (called HT-11) supposedly used a 
different floppy device driver. 

Again, this is based solely on what I've read from various places and not 
direct experience (I have an H-11 with a SCSI controller; no floppy; and it 
runs RT-11 no problem). 


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> On Aug 3, 2016, at 1:40 AM, wrote:
> we have a heath  h11  which is lsi 11   aka pdp  11/03
> the  drives  are not  rx o1 or  rx o2... but are they  and the controller 
> comparable? with rx01  or  an rx02?
> Thanks  Ed# at   smecc 

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